Privacy Policy

Appandus is committed to ensuring and maintaining Appandus  Users’ and Members’ privacy are respected and protected. We want all our  Users and Members to feel comfortable searching and exchanging  information on our site. If you have questions or concerns that we do  not answers in this Policy, please send us an email to

In the normal operation of our service, we collect, and in some  cases, disclose information about you. This Privacy Policy describes  the information we collect about you and what may happen to that  information. Although this policy may seem somewhat lengthy, we believe  it is beneficial to you to know as much as possible about our practices.  The privacy practices of this policy apply to the Appandus website and  its Network. (“Site”)

“Network” shall operate to cover the Appandus website  ( and its microsites including, but not limited to .

By using our services and the Site, you consent to our  collection, use and disclosure of your personally identifiable  information in accordance with the Terms of Service and this policy.

1. Information We Collect
2. Our Use of Your Information
3. Our Disclosure of Your Information
4. Transactions With E-Commerce Partners
5. Public Forums/Chat Rooms/Bulletin Boards
6. Surveys and Polls
7. Online Applications/Widgets/Tools
8. Directories of Members
9. Information Collected by Appandus Through IP Address and Cookies
10. Other Information Collectors
11. Security
12. Recommendations
13. Your Password
14. Incorporation by Reference
15. Modifications
16. Contact Information



1. Information We Collect

We collect personal information from you primarily to provide you with  efficient and customized service while using our services. This allows  us to provide you with services and features that will most likely meet  your needs, and to customize our service by making the user experience  easier and faster.

To use our services, you will be required to perform enquiry using  an online enquiry form. This form requires the provision of your contact  information as well as other personal information (e.g. name, email  address, telephone number, etc.) and other information. You can modify  registration data associated with your account, and you have full and  sole control of the amount of information that is disclosed on your  member page.

The personally identifiable information you provide during  membership registration will not be given to third parties without your  consent.

We automatically track certain information about you based upon your  use of the Site. This information is used to do internal research on  users’ demographics, interests, and behaviour. Collecting this  information allows us to better understand and serve our users. This  information may include the uniform resource locator (URL) that you just  came from (irrespective of whether the location is on the Site or not),  which URL you next go to, what browser you are using, and your Internet  Protocol (IP) address.

Appandus does not sell or otherwise share personally identifiable  information with third parties without your consent except in the  following instances:
(i) unless required by applicable law or pursuant to a court or similar order;
(ii) as deemed necessary, in Appandus’s discretion, to protect the  legal rights or the property of Appandus, a member or third party, or to  prevent personal injury; and/or
(iii) in the event Appandus is required to transfer personally  identifiable information to a third party in the event of a sale,  merger, assignment, joint venture or other transfer or disposition of a  portion or all of the assets or stock of Appandus or its affiliated  entities (including, without limitation, in connection with any  bankruptcy or similar proceedings).

In addition, Appandus reserves the right to allow access to its  systems to third parties providing necessary technical services when  such access is required in order to provide those services and to  provide your personally identifiable information to third parties who  provide services on behalf of Appandus, provided that such third parties  are bound by Appandus’s Privacy Policy. Please note, however, that  Appandus reserves the right to share any personally identifiable or  other information about you which you provide to (or which is gathered  by) Appandus website with any or all of its subsidiaries and affiliates  and will also have access to any such information which you provide to  (or which is gathered by) the web sites of any Appandus subsidiary or  affiliate.

If you send us personal correspondence such as e-mails, letters, or  if other users or third parties send us correspondence about your  activities or postings on the Site, we may collect such information into  a file specific to you.

If you use a service provided by a company providing a service  co-branded with Appandus branding, that service may provide personal  information about you and possibly the transaction back to Appandus.

2. Our Use of Your Information

Personally identifiable information about you is used to create  aggregated portraits of the Appandus audience, portraits which present  anonymous statistical demographic information but no personal  identifiable information. The aggregated data collected is to improve  our marketing and promotional efforts, to statistically analyse site  usage, to improve our content and product offerings and to customize our  site’s content, layout, and services. We believe these uses allow us to  improve our site and better tailor it to meet our users’ needs.

We may use your information to deliver personalized information,  e.g. targeted to your interests. Examples of such information may  include new services, promotions, and marketing materials. We may use  your e-mail address, your mailing address, and/or phone number to  contact you regarding administrative notices, new product offerings, and  communications relevant to your use of the Site.

We use information we maintain about you together as well as your  activities on the Site to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and  enforce the Terms of Service. We may use information about you to  facilitate people searches which enable other users to locate you. Such  searches will only be enables when you give your express consent to the  same in the equiry form.

We may supplement the information that you provide us with information received from third parties.

3. Our Disclosure of Your Information

You hereby acknowledge that we may be required to disclose  information collected to various government agencies or competent  regulatory authorities, and that we may otherwise be compelled to make  such disclosure by law or by an order of Court. Further, you authorize  us to release appropriate information to law enforcement officials when  we, in our sole discretion, believe it necessary or appropriate in  connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property  infringement, piracy, or other unlawful activity.

Our general policy is that we do not sell or rent personally  identifiable information about you to any third party. The following  describes some ways that personally identifiable information may be  disclosed:-

Marketing and Promotional
We do aggregate personally identifiable information and disclose such  information in aggregate for marketing and promotional purposes. We do  not however disclose information that could be used to personally  identify you. As such, certain information. e.g. passwords, bank account  information, etc., are not disclosed at all.

Co-Branded Services
We may from time to time, partner with a company to provide co-branded  services. If you wish to use those services, we may provide some of your  personally identifiable information to that other company. You can  avoid these disclosures by choosing not to use those companies’  services. We do not control the privacy practices of these other  companies and you should evaluate their practices before using their  services.

Legal Requests
As stated above, we may be compelled by law, by an order of Court or by  regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies to disclose your  personally identifiable information.. Therefore, intellectual property  rights owners, local, state, federal, and international law enforcement  can request and may receive your personally identifiable information in  such circumstances.

4. Transactions With Partners

When you provide personal financial and other personally identifiable  information to one of Appandus’s partners, this transaction will occur  on the partner’s site, not at Appandus and as such the financial and  personally identifiable information you provide is collected by and  controlled by the Privacy Policy of the partner. It is important that  you familiarize yourself with the Privacy Policy of the site which you  transact business.

5. Public Forums/Chat Rooms/Bulletin Boards

Any information you disclose in these public forum areas becomes  public information and is immediately accessible on Appandus website, so  it is important that you exercise discretion and appropriate caution  when deciding to reveal personal information in these areas. Appandus  may utilize the content of these public forums for promotional  activities, enhancing editorial, advertising and similar activities.

6. Surveys and Polls

Surveys ask for opinions on various issues and very often these  surveys and polls are sponsored or associated with Appandus advertisers  and partners. There are times we request demographic information (for  example age, gender, postcode/zip codes). Most information obtained  through surveys and polls is aggregated and used internally or shared  with advertisers and partners only in the aggregated form. In the event  personal identifiable information is requested as part of the surveys or  polls about any of Appandus members, such personal identifiable  information is never provided to third parties without your consent. In  this instances you may expressly choose to receive information from a  sponsor/advertiser in which case your information is provide to that  sponsor/advertiser only. Some survey answer may be added to your profile  as so we can better provide you with content, ads and offers that are  most appropriate for you.

7. Online Applications/Widgets/Tools

The content on Appandus?s applications/widgets/tools is presented in  summary form, is general in nature, and is provided for informational  purposes only. The content is not intended in any way to be a substitute  for professional advice. Always seek the advice of your subject matter  experts or other qualified providers with any questions you may have  regarding any conditions related to your situations. Neither the content  nor any other service offered by or through our online  applications/widgets/tools is intended to be relied on for diagnosis or  treatment. Never disregard advice or delay in seeking it because of  something you have read on Appandus.

Our online applications/widgets/tools do not recommend or endorse  any specific test, products, or procedures, unless stated so. Any  opinions expressed on the applications/widgets/tools are the opinions of  the authors. Appandus does not assume any liability for the contents of  any material provided by applications/widgets/tools available on  Appandus. Reliance on any information provided by our  applications/widgets/tools, or other visitors to them is solely at your  own risk. Appandus assumes no liability or responsibility for damage or  injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product,  information, idea, or instruction contained in the materials provided to  you. Appandus reserves the right to change or discontinue at any time  any aspect or feature of this application/widget/tools.

8. Directories of Members

Appandus provide a directory services to its members. Selected  information will be collated from your equiry form to be included in  this directories of members. This service allows other Appandus members  to communicate with you via a contact link provided and it is your  choice should you want to proceed with other members. Information  retrieved from your equiry form to be included in the directory shall  include name, gender and job scope. Categories of directories are  individual members, business members and organization members.

9. Information Collected by Appandus Through IP Address and Cookies

Your IP address is a number that is assigned by the ISP (Internet  Service Provider) to your computer to identify its location. We use your  IP address to help diagnose problems with our website and to administer  our website. We also sometimes use IP addresses to communicate with  Members and possibly ban those Members who are not complying with our  Terms and Conditions.

Appandus uses a feature of your Internet Web browser called a  cookie: to assign a unique identification to your computer. Cookies are  files that your Web browser places on your computers hard drive. These  cookies are used to tell us whether you have visited Appandus before and  to help us determine if you came to from a particular Internet link.  This information is then used to improve the Site and our service.  Appandus does not use cookies to retrieve personal information from your  computer unless your browser is set to allow such retrieval.

10. Other Information Collectors

Except as otherwise provided, this policy only addresses the use and  disclosure of information that we collect from you. To the extent that  you disclose your information to other parties, or other sites  throughout the Internet, different rules and policies will apply to  their use of personal information you disclose to them, and you will  therefore be subject to them. We do not control the activities nor the  privacy policies of third parties. We therefore encourage you to make  full inquiries with those third parties about their privacy policies  before you disclose your personal information to them.

Links. The Site may include links to other web sites (the “Linked  Sites”) such as to our partners and advertisers. Appandus will not share  personally identifiable information about Users with the operators of  such Linked Sites, but may provide aggregate information regarding Users  to such operators. Appandus does not control the Linked Sites, and is  not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of the Linked  Sites.

Appandus shall not in any way be liable or to you or to any third  party for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever caused, which may  arise in connection with the activities and privacy practices of the  above mentioned third parties or operators of the Linked Sites, as well  as the content of any third party sites, including the Linked Sites.

11. Security

Appandus uses industry standard security enhanced systems in order  to prevent third party access to your User information. Although we  employ efforts to maintain the privacy of your User Information, we  cannot guarantee that your User information will not be intercepted by a  third party’s illegal efforts to intercept it.

We also have put in place privacy protection control systems  designed to ensure that your personal data remains safe and private.  Each and every Appandus employee must abide by Appandus’s privacy and  confidentiality policies. Only authorized Appandus employees are  permitted to have access to your personal information and such access is  limited by need. In addition, any company with which we contract to be  our agent in conducting our business is required to adhere to  confidentiality agreements to ensure that your information remains safe  and secure. All Appandus employees are required to acknowledge that they  understand and will comply with this privacy policy. Employees who  violate our privacy policies are subject to disciplinary action, up to  and including termination. We strongly encourage our content, commerce  and advertising partners to post clearly their own privacy policies and  to have privacy control systems in place to protect your personal  information.      However, we cannot and do not control the activities of our business  partners. As such, be sure to review their privacy policies and contact  them directly if you have any questions.

12. Recommendations

Recommendations are generated solely based on the end-user and/or  client’s rating preferences and the preferences of other end-users  and/or clients, hence are not generated by us or any of our advertisers.

13. Your Password

It is your responsibility to maintain the privacy of your Appandus  ID and Password, Please keep your Appandus ID and Password in a safe  place.

14. Incorporation by Reference

This Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference into the Appandus Terms of Service.

15. Modifications

Appandus may update or amend this Policy from time to time. Such  amendments and updates will be posted on this page. Please read this  page regularly to keep yourself informed of our Privacy Policy and  practices.

16. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or anything else  about Appandus, you can contact us at the following email address: